8:52 AM
Okay, while I'm writing this I'm currently looking at Dea and Kanya's TOK presentation, and damn... their power point is awesoooome! it's so cute, there's a lot of fairy tales pictures and mini-movie, aww :> (cie kanya deaa bagus :D)
Hmm, I have no idea when is my presentation but I've given up, so yeah... all I need to do now is just wait for my turn, yay me! :D
12.57 PM
Right.... this time, while I'm writing this I'm currently looking at Connie's presentation, after that it's finally my group's turn. OW NO NO NO NO NO!!
Hmm, I feel a little bit nervous now... Hhh, I hate TOK! I loath IB!
OH OH OH! Good luck for my boyfriend with his math test, haha :) you'll be fine nushy, tee hee :p
1:23 PM
well this Dea HAHAHAHA. Melin pasti marah pas liat ini.
okay im bored
bosaaaaaaan. ga bosen dengerin lo presentasi kok mel, gw cmn rasanya pantat udh gepeng duduk mulu
and ga tau mau ngapain lagi
ha ha ha
ah ha ah ha
sorry Mels. jelasin lagi soal presentasi lo di mobil yaaa
(dea finished)
this is stephanie mahaha! Im writing melin's bloggy too! Melin just did her presentation but then her group didnt use the presentation that they made in powerpoint cause of technical difficulties...oh what a shame...poor2 melin's group!
oh wwwwweeeeeeellllllllll! byebyebyebyebyebye! aku cinta SKANDAR KEYNES! woohoo! Melin jelek kyk monyet! mahaha
1:32 PM
Okay, it's me again (Melin). I've done my stupid presentation and it suuccckkkeeedd!! HHHH sebel banget182x! Masa pas ditengah2 presentation tiba2 laptop Julie yg kt pake buat presentation ini mati aja gitu, keseelll! Trus pas nyoba in another laptop, it's doing no good. Masih aja gabisa :( huh.
Oh, and my God... somebody (two people) just hacked my blog! HAHA, random people :p
While I'm writing this I'm currently listening (and sometimes looking) at Edwin and Radiga's presentation, hmm to be honest I don't really understand what they're saying since the first time they started their presentation. OOPS! I'm sorry :' >
PLEASE, can I go home NOW?? I'm bored to death, my ass hurts (I keep on sitting on this MPR floor since 7.40 AM until now, except when it's break time [9 AM] and lunch [12 PM], other than that I keep on sitting. MAN! My ass hurts hurts hurts! :<)
5:15 PM.
Hm, I arrived at my house around 4.15-ish PM since I went to McD first to buy a choco top & bottle of water. I feel like eating something sweet that's why I bought the ice cream and I am very very thirsty since I didn't get enough drink earlier at lunch time because I forgot to bring my coupon, nyah!
As soon as I arrived, I went to my kitchen to check whether there's any food to eat or not (since I know sooner or later Dea will ask for food, nyahah! :p) and there is! Babat, perkedel, sayur bobor, sambel! Hoho, Dea langsung nyobain the perkedel + sambel yg menyebabkan dia langsung ingusan HAHA! Yes people, my family LOVELOVELOVE sambel so much, we can't eat without any spicy ingredients aka sambal :)
Hm, I've just realized it today that the first draft of my EXTENDED ESSAY is due on June 6th, which is probably 15 days left? And guess what people... I've done nothing, yay me ;D
OH! And also, I just realized that I have a Bahasa Indonesia homework from the last 2 Wednesdays and it's - supposedly - due today but I just realized that I have that homework last night, so yeah. I was thinking to get the A3 paper today at either break or lunch time (the homework is to make a poster on a poem) but when I arrived at my house, I just realized that I haven't done it. MUAHAHAH, so basically I can't do it today so... yes, I'm doom. (Oh God please make Pak Ade forget about the due, please for once?)
I'm doing nothing. Actually I have tons of stuffs to do though, but I'm too lazy. Nyah!
I'm currently webcam-ing with my boyfriend and dia td pas dinner makannya ngamuk and super brutal! HAHA, NUSHY KAMU GENDUUUUUUT! :p SIT UP SIT UP SIT UP SHIT UP! eh, aduh wrong press.
Udah ah, byee :)
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